CSD303 Desk

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  • Regular price £799.00
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Based on the CSD202 Studio Desk the CSD303 desk has 6u rack space on each side, it has slightly smaller desk sections in front of the racks it is the same width as the csd202 desk but with a stealthier look. The desk has 2x6u rack space on either side 12 slots in total these are angled slightly flatter as you sit at the desk all still in easy reach, 2 pairs of rack strips are supplied with the desk.

The rear shelf is perfect for your monitor screen and can be fitted at desk level or higher if you wish it is more than capable of holding multiple screens or single widescreens. An additional two shelves above the rack sections provide space for your monitor speakers. Our standard colour scheme is black and grey both colours have a very subtle metallic in them, other colours such as black legs and white gloss desk are available at extra cost.


Dimensions and product information


  • The overall width of the desk is 2430mm (left to right)
  • Front straight edge width is 1020mm
  • Top shelves are 240mm deep
  • Left and right sections are 500mm wide and 350mm deep
  • Main desk area is 595mm deep (front to back)
  • Height to desk surface is 755mm
  • Long rear shelf depth 250mm
  • Height to rear shelves above racks is 900mm
  • Height to long rear shelf this can be specified by the customer but as standard is desk level (750mm) or approximately 850mm